I decided Carina needed a big girl bed, no not a toddler bed but a real twin size bed that she could keep until she grows up and moves out. And I found the bed, it is a captains bed so that we can eliminate the dresser in her ever shrinking room and it is a sweet
girly antique white with
scalloped edges.
Ohhh so perfect.
The first furniture store I went to sold the bed except one little set back, it wouldn't be in for a week...two at the most. The manager even called the sale rep who told him that they had it in.
Yeapy Carina will be sleeping in her bed, and not mine, in one week..two at tops. Well that was September 25.
After many calls to Nat my ever so friendly sales guy who has clearly let all his hair product impair his sense of time the bed finally arrived on November 5
th. Oh, and you know I ripped into those boxes and immediately tried to put put it together. But I quickly realized that this was a job that required two sets of hands. So having no other option I instead sat on my hands until Sunday when the second set of hands i.e. Travis was able to help.
Travis asked me if I thought we should assemble the under bed storage unit first (I don't know why he asks me these questions). I said no, of course because the directions don't mention anything about this being necessary. So we proceed to putting the bed together and It went very smoothly. I should have know somethings was up because in order for Travis to fix or assemble anything he must break something along the way. So we had the bed together and now it was time to assemble the under bed storage and surprise we now had to partially take a part the bed. Yeah! But okay we rolled with it. After Travis saw how it was going to go together so we quickly had a disagreement about how installing the under bed storage unit would be like the worse idea ever(Travis) and it will be okay(Tamara). SO fast forward an hour and voila we have a compromise. A really good one that made us both happy not the kind where you are both disgruntled and smoldering quietly. And Travis agreed to assemble the drawers.
Travis quickly realized that it is impossible to screw the drawers to the frame of the bed, he tried he really tried but it was not going to happen. Okay, so I decided to roll with it some more and decided that the under bed storage was always a dumb idea. So Travis put the bed back together and slapped the mattress on it(the mattress we have have for a month). Travis called me into the room and asks me if I measured any of this before I ordered it. The top of the mattress is 30" off the ground and Carina is
approximately 36" tall. She will need an elevator to get up there and it will be a midnight trip to the ER when she falls out of bed in the middle of the night. I think I had pretty much made up my mind at that point but there was a big part of me that wanted to see the whole package with the princess sheets that Carina and I spent days and multiple trips to multiple stores to pick out. (over a month ago) So I put it all together and I found the nail in the
coffin so to speak the answered any questions in my mind about whether I was just going to roll with it or if the bed was going back. There is a 4 1/2 inch gap between the mattress and the bed frame. So all these scenarios of Carina falling through crack and breaking or leg or chocking went racing through my head. Yeah, the bed it definitely going back but darn it is cute and Carina loved it and WANTED to sleep in it. I actually had to put her to sleep in there and then move her into my bed.

The most perfect bed ever to be continued.