Matt is Mattybear
Logan is Loganberry
Carina is little sugar bear.
With the arrival of Logan expected any day I keep thinking this blog is in need of a new name, I have not yet settled on one yet but I am sensing a bear tie in somewhere.
I have wanted two children since I realized I wanted children at all. Since I am baby number 3 you think I would want one more. And I suppose there is still that possibility, Mattybear wants 3, so as my very wise friend pointed out, he will likely win. It's not that I wouldn't want a 3rd but being 9 months pregnant is NOT the time to be making those decisions. I also knew I wanted a girl first and was so very happy to get the news at Carina's ultrasound that she was a girl. I was equally excited to find out Matt and I were having a boy. Because I got my one of each if we are in fact done. Also I long for the relationship between a mother and a son because "there isn't a boy in the world who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy". I love my mom but I don't think you really appreciate your mom until you are a bit older. Carina has always been a daddy's girl and Matt is no exception. I am not saying she doesn't have a part of her heart that is carved out for her "original daddy" because she certainly does and will always. But I know she loves him for coming into her life and bringing happiness, warmth and another set of arms to run to in times of comfort.
I actually wonder how she is going to do with sharing me and her Mattydaddy. But she is really excited about becoming a big sister. She wants to hold him and help take care of him, not change diapers though.
Logan is coming into this family already well loved and with much anticipation. I look forward to watching the transformation that happens upon a man being handed his child for the first time when Matt is presented with his child. He has been a "step dad" to a friend's children who's daddy was off fighting a war and to children of his ex girlfriends who's daddies were less then stealer and he certainly has filled the daddy role in Carina's life. But there can be no comparison to being handed your own child fresh from the womb.
And because no blog entry would be complete without a picture: