For my mom's 60th birthday I really wanted to do something special and give her something she wasn't likely to give herself. It was also something that wanted but it really wasn't until I had Carina that I really decided exactly what I wanted. I also don't think that until my mom had grandchildren she really knew either. NO I am not talking about a mother's ring, although that would have been beautiful and I am not talking about a sweatshirt with the kids names on it. For my mom's 60th and my 30th I got us tattoos. It took some coordinating but I finally pulled off scheduling an appointment with Alice at Infinity tattoo. My friend Nicole recommended her and since Nicole's tattoos are so beautiful I knew we would be in good hands.

So my mom and I woke up ate a good breakfast and headed out to change our bodies forever. I really wasn't' sure if I wanted to go first but since my mom eagerly volunteered I let her go ahead. She braved it like a trooper and told me while I was waiting to begin that it was like a little scratch nothing to it.

And then I got on the table. I knew I would be there awhile so I brought
Twilight with me to read. I figured since I had already read the book it would be a good choice since I wouldn't have to pay to much attention to the reading. Alice started off and I was thinking okay this isn't so bad and I read my book and people watched, some guy was there getting a tattoo done on his lowered abdomen and they had this shade up that honestly peeked my curiosity more then if I could have seen what was going on. It became obvious very quickly that I was not going to get much reading in. The pain in my calf was e

xcruciating and I knew I had at least an hour a head of me. As Alice moved up my calf to the back of my knee the pressure of the needle kept sending shooting nerve pain up my leg. At one point my mother came over asked if I was sleeping, SLEEPING how easy had the tattooing been for her. Since I was laying on my stomach my arms had started to shake and the only way to relax was to lay flat try to remember the breathing that got me through 13 hours of an un-medicated natural childbirth. By the time Alice was done I was really ready to run out of the shop. At no time did I become numb to the pain as others suggested would happen and it never seemed like a little scratch as my loving mother suggested it was. So as we head for lunch my mom says "that really hurt huh" Hell yes it hurt I thought I was just being weak when my mom pretended to have an easy time of it. So I also learned my mom lies in what I hope was an attempt to not psych me out.

So my tattoo is the Constellation Carina, for obvious reasons. And as someone pointed is going to really hard to top if I ever have another child. Which is motivation to never have another child. It is not the natural labor that scares me it is the realization that I would have to get another tattoo.
And yes that is my calf, don't be a hater I can never find boots that fit snug.

And although it is hard to tell from this picture my mom's in a yellow rose with 4 vines coming out with an initial for each of the grandchildren.
So after almost two weeks of healing and pealing we are both are very happy.
why you always braggin about your skinny little calves?
happy to see it only took sue 60 yrs to get her ink.
That's a big tattoo Tam! When you do something you do it all the way don't ya?
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