Saturday, November 19, 2011
Stationery card
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The bear family
Friday, September 9, 2011
My little Kindergartener
I finished up clothes shoping for her a month ago, hoping she wasn’t going to have some serious growth spurt that would make all the clothes to small for her when it came to wearing them. I have had her school supplies piled up waiting to go to school since that time too. I really wanted her to get out of Learning Tree after she began getting terrorized by a little boy and his bratty older sister. I know she will flourish in school, she is a sponge for new information and loves learning.
So today there were Cheerios for my little cheerio. (Glee connection intended)
A backpack full of school supplies and a lunch.
This is the first of many first day’s of school photos.
Here we are walking into school together, this is were I first started to thought I might cry.
We all met in the cafeteria and awaited the principle and teacher greetings and directives.
We took her to her classroom, notice the teacher’s pet right in the front row, eager to please Mr. Reynolds.
She picked out her locker and Matt and I helped the other children who didn’t have their parents there. We also tried to introduce her to her classmates so she could begin the process of building her school friends. We had to leave all her friend’s from learning tree behind when I pulled her out so this is a very big deal for her. She likes to have friends and hopefully she will forge friendships that will last for years.
I was not the first parent to leave but not the last, I managed not to cry.
Matt has the responsibility from here on out of getting Carina on the bus in the morning and meeting her in the afternoon. Today it was hard to sit at my desk and work and wait for a report about the successful day. But my wonderful husband provided me with video of the event.
Carina is so excited to be in school. Not an ounce of fear or trepidation as she marched down the halls so proudly to her classroom. Mr. Reynolds said she has strong math skills which must be completely innate because I have been so focused on reading and writing I have neglected math. Mr. Reynolds promises to be pushing the math and science this year with an opening lesson today about bees. He is a bee keeper and tree farmer who lives in Rainer and commutes an hour each way to teach Carina and her classmates. Carina is so looking forward to this year and I couldn’t be more proud of her.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Thanks BOB!

Sunday, June 5, 2011
This anniversary
Monday, May 2, 2011

Carina is going to be a big sister! I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and actually feel pretty good. I have had very little morning sickness and have been eating like I am pregnant with a growing fetus rather then a high schooler, like I did last time. I had some complications that my midwife assures me really weren't' anything to write home about but when they are happening to you it is scary. But we had an ultrasound today and baby looks good and the subdermal hematoma seems to have nearly resolved.

Friday, April 15, 2011
Going Private
Sunday, February 20, 2011
What we have been up to....
Okay so I don't mean to toot my own horn but when the child development experts say read to your child everyday I actually listen. I really really really think reading is important. Duh, right? Carina has know her letters for years and for at least a year has know what sound each letter says. BUT she just hasn't had a lot of luck putting the sounds together and actually reading. This is exceptionally difficult for me. Why? It is like grating to my soul to watch Carina struggle with reading. I suppose in part at least it is my own childhood issues with reading that contribute to my angst. When I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade I spent sometime in the Resource Room in school getting some additional help with reading skills. I really want her to read. We are trying and have had the BOB books for sometime now. I was thinking that there was a motivational issue here, after all nearly everything Carina has attempted to master has come very easily for her. She spoke at an early age and before that was signing. She walked at 9 months. Even skiing, which she has all but given up at this point, came pretty easy for her. Uh the skiing, I'll save that anguish for another post. So back to reading and motivation...there is a salon at the mall that has child sized pedicure stations. Complete with cute chairs; a bear and a princess and each chair has a DVD player. So I convinced Carina that once we get through the BOB books, there are 12 in a packet, that we could go get a pedicure. We went for a visit to help reinforce just how cool it will be and Matt conveyed our strategy to the technician there who, like many nail techs speaks Vietnamese considerably better then English but she jumped right on board with the story that Carina would in fact have to be able to read before she could get a pedicure.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Good Bye 4, Hello 5

What a whirlwind of a year this little bug has had. We started this year with a trip to Disney World and ended with the tragic loss of her father. Everyday I am awed by the amazing child who I have to honor of calling my daughter. Carina is smart, beautiful, funny, compassionate, a great snugger and is one of the most resilient children I have ever met. To know Carina is to love Carina.
Happy Birthday baby!