Carina is going to be a big sister! I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and actually feel pretty good. I have had very little morning sickness and have been eating like I am pregnant with a growing fetus rather then a high schooler, like I did last time. I had some complications that my midwife assures me really weren't' anything to write home about but when they are happening to you it is scary. But we had an ultrasound today and baby looks good and the subdermal hematoma seems to have nearly resolved.
I have not posted about this pregnancy or my the man in my life previously because as you can imagine there are those who would not be thrilled about the thought of our lives moving forward after Travis. And honestly the welfare of Carina is all anyone should be concerned about and she is doing well.
She is super excited about Kindergarten in the fall and is excited to tell anyone about Sophie the pet rat who is in the daycare center where she will be for before and after school care.
She is super excited about being a big sister, she says she will help with diaper changes by bringing the diapers but wont touch the dirty ones. She wants to feed the baby and shows me how she would carry it around and bounce it genitally. She wants to share her room with the baby. Given her room is size of a postage stamp I doubt that will happen. My favorite part is when she randomly comes up and gives my belly kisses.

She loves Matt, the father of her baby brother or sister. I love that she is still so unafraid to love. It was honestly very revealing to me as to why a mommy having revolving boyfriends is not a good thing for children. But I was very lucky to find a keeper and I knew that before I introduced her to him. Matt loves Carina. He is patient with her and spoils her when he can.
He is Internet savvy which means within moments she can have any movie she wants. He came with a flat screen TV that makes watching those movies so very nice. He is a wealth of knowledge for her ever inquiring mind. No little girl should ever lose their father and Matt will never truly fill that void, she knows who her dad is and will always long for him but I am grateful that she has someone to play swords with in the aisle of Target,

Carina is excited about being a flower girl when Matt and I get married on July 16. She chose her dress and she looks like a little princess. She will be beautiful. I really hope Multnomah Falls allows her to spread flower petals because she is not going to be a happy flower girl if she can't. I think I'll make them explain to her why if they don't allow it.
She started gymnastics. I wish I could have gotten a decent picture of her but they make parents wait in the observation room with windows that have seen far to many little fingers to make picture taking possible. But she took to the gymnastics well. She is very athletic so I think it will go well ultimately. Right now she very much wants to be a cheerleader in high school so this will allow her that opportunity if she chooses.
And yes I am aware that I have added two additional items on the life's biggest stressors list to my life. But it is amazing what you can come through with love and support.

1 comment:
That was beautiful Tamara. I am so very happy for you two. And I know Travis would be too at the end of the day.
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