After Matt leaves I know it will be a series of battles. I know I will eventually win because children can only fight sleep for so long. But it starts with the warning to Carina that her bedtime is approaching. She will whine that she wants more time, that I am not being nice because she should get to stay up, a request for food because she is starving even though she can get food at anytime( that is before it is actually time to go to bed) today she even told me she didn't love me. As much as I try to subscribe to love and logic parenting and I did say to her that I thought that that was too bad because I only do nice things for people who love me, it still stung. She quickly came back with "I am sorry" and" I didn't mean i"t and" I just wanted to say it" and "I want you to know I am sorry" with lots of hugs.
After we settle that it is in fact her bedtime as it always is on a school night at 8 we have the drama about what she is going to wear because she can never find PJ's even though they have a place in her closet and there is nearly always nightclothes for her to wear.
Then it is night time story which I enjoy if it weren't for the fact that Logan is also getting sleepy and and whinny and most likely has been whinny since Matt left. So reading a book with a squirmy whinny little baby on my lap kinda diminishes the fun.

Then it is lights out inevitably there will be a reemergence of the blue eyed monster because she needs to go potty, a glass of water, a hug, a kiss, to tell me something really important that is an emergency, that more often the not its something like Rosita sat next to me at lunch. Each time she comes out I send her back and after the first I start adding it to the minutes earlier that she will have to go to bed the next night. Sometimes this results in her crying because that is what she does when she is overly tired and then I just feel bad and I want to swoop her up and kiss her and sooth it all away. Which more ofter then not I do because I love that little bug.
BUT all the while Logan is fussy, and if he gets to fussy he does this thing where he wants to nurse only to pull away like I am trying to feed him poison. He eventually losses that battle because thankfully his little body is even less equipped at fighting off sleep.
But eventually they will both fall asleep and I will have a chance to breath....that is until the dishes that have multiplied since dinner start calling.
When do you guys follow him? I remember that hour too....hang in there mama. You are one tough cookie.
Matt is working nights that is what I am talking about. We are headed to Dominica in December. I found putting Logan to bed earlier helped a great deal...of course he has to cooperate. Thanks Karen, I miss you.
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