Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tang Soo Do

At the start of every semester the clubs put on a club fair and members from the SGA clubs have informational tables set up so that students can learn about the different options for extra curricular activities and professional organizations that they may want to participate in.  This semester Matt decided to join the Tang Soo Do club so that he and Carina would have the opportunity to introduce Carina to the martial arts that were so important to him growing up.

After developing their skills for the last month and a half they were both ready to test for their yellow belts. 

And Ms. Carina received a medal for the best tester under ten.  She showed indomitable spirit and perseverance during her testing and has made tremendous progress in the short time she has been training.  Her pride and smile were contagious.  
I wish I had better pictures but it turns out Belt testing and a 19 month old do not mix well.  But they both did a great job and have really enjoyed this time together. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Art and Beach fun

The proud artist in front of her work

Paper Weaving

Here Tropical Bird

I think we need to discuss artfully signing her work

 I love that Carina is artistic and I look forward to returning to the states where we can utilize all of the resources for different media.

We also recently went to Batibou Beach which is very beautiful.  Don't believe all the hype about rapes and robberies you just need a guild who will only extort you but they bring booze.

 Then we went to the pool for a bit.