Saturday, June 26, 2010

Run for Congo

So as I explained in my previous post Run for Congo was my June run and it started off being a run that Travis and I were gonna do then it fit nicely with Took and I's commitment to one run a month for the rest of the year so Took was going to join us, and then I thought who cool it would be to do with my sister in law Megan because she has gotten into this whole running thing to and this race is about the sisterhood of women so I had Megan, then I enlisted a friend from work as well as my friend Ramata who was the whole catalyst for even doing this run. I could of had team Tamara (or something more inspiring).

Well Travis dropped out pretty quickly and he went kayaking this morning. Took realized a few weeks ago that she wasn't going to be able to be there. The my coworker got bronchitis on Thursday (I guess that is a pretty good reason not to run 3 miles) and then as I am walking to the race this morning Ramata texted me saying she was not feeling well so she wasn't going to make it.

But I had Megan the one person I could depend on to run with today. Our cheering section consisted of our 4 children, her husband( and my brother) Jeremy and my mom.

It was a beautiful run through Forest Park. We ran along side a creek and up up up the hillside. It was straight up but the turning around and heading down was all that much better.
There was a fun run for the kids which I had intended on running with Leila Megan Carina and I....but about 3/4 of the way back Leila came running by and then another 50 feet was Jeremy and Carina. Apparently the girls were tired of waiting and took off.
It was great run for a great cause. Thank you Megan for doing it with me.

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