Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Performance

Today is the first in a lifetime of missed opportunities. This would be Travis weekend and after Carina's performance he likely would have taken her for the weekend. Carina really wanted her dad there tonight. I really wanted Travis there tonight. Those of you who are reading this blog and love the muse of it, Cherise her, undeniably. But the love a parent has for their child can only be shared between the parents. I no longer have a co-parent to whisper to or give a knowing glace to during these moments of shear parental pride.

I invited Olin, Travis brother, to come along. He has agreed to try to step in a fill in the huge gap that has been left by Travis passing. I am so thankful for his presents tonight. Facing the performance by myself is more then I could have barred today.

I checked the battery before this started but didn't think about all the space that was taken up on the memory card... Carina's random photos of the dog, me texting, her eye, my yoga mat, the cabinets, the carpet..............

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