Sunday, October 5, 2008

the first post

So I have been challenged to start this blogging experience by the end of this week.
So here I sit wondering if I have anything meaningful to say. I am the mother of one of the most fantastic two year olds I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I know all mother's say that but if you know buggy then you know the truth in my motherly pride. I guess what strikes me today is that I seem to truly appreciate her when I am not with her or as she is now, when she is sleeping peacefully. It seems that life gets in the way of my love for her more often then I ever thought it would. It is a struggle to be the type of mother that I wish I could be. See, I am a stay at home mom who gets up everyday and goes to work outside the home. The dichotomy of what I feel is best for my daughter and me is the opposite of what I feel I must do to pay the bills every month. Considering that my job is to to plan for the welfare of other people's children when I know in my heart what is best for my child is for me to be home with her is a 24/7 struggle. I imagine that this subject could fill a book and will permeate my blog. I'll try to stay focus on the gifts that I do have.


LuckBringer said...

Shelly and I spend much time talking about this. We both want to be home to take care of Brandon, but with bills to pay and the economy the way it is, the need for the 2 income family becomes almost a necessity. The best thing I can offer you is that I feel the time away make our son stronger as he learns to interact with other children and grow as an individual. We can't protect them forever. The best we can do is give them all the love when we are with them and cherish every moment with them. Or pray that we win the lottery so we can stay home. :)

Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

You're a great mom Tamera and Carina know how much she is loved.